Source code for qval.qval

import functools
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Union
from contextlib import contextmanager, AbstractContextManager, ExitStack

from . import utils
from .validator import Validator, QvalValidationError
from . import exceptions
from . import framework_integration as fwk

[docs]class QueryParamValidator(AbstractContextManager): """ Validates query parameters. Examples: >>> r = fwk.DummyRequest({"num": "42", "s": "str", "double": "3.14"}) >>> params = QueryParamValidator(r, dict(num=int, s=None, double=float)) >>> with params as p: ... print(p.num, p.s, p.double, sep=', ') 42, str, 3.14 .. automethod:: __enter__ .. automethod:: __exit__ """
[docs] def __init__( self, request: fwk.Request, factories: Dict[str, Optional[type]], validators: Dict[str, Validator.ValidatorType] = None, box_all: bool = True, ): """ Instantiates the query validator. :param request: fwk.Request instance :param factories: a mapping of :code:`{param -> factory}`. Providing :code:`None` as a factory is equivalent to :code:`str` or :code:`lambda x: x`, since parameters are stored as strings. :param validators: a dictionary of pre-defined validators :param box_all: include all params, even if they're not specified in :code:`factories` """ self.request = request self._factories = factories self._box_all = box_all self._query_params = utils.get_request_params(self.request) self.result: Dict[str, Any] = { k: self.query_params[k] # Add all parameters to the resulting dictionary if `box_all` is true. # Otherwise keep only the specified parameters. for k in (self.query_params if self._box_all else self._factories) } self._params: Dict[str, Validator] = {k: Validator() for k in self.result} self._params.update( { # Convert predicates to validators k: Validator(v) if not isinstance(v, Validator) else v for k, v in (validators or {}).items() } )
[docs] def apply_to_request( self, request: Union[Dict[str, str], fwk.Request] ) -> "QueryParamValidator": """ Applies the current validation settings to a new request. Example: >>> from qval.utils import make_request >>> request = make_request({"a": "77"}) >>> params = QueryParamValidator(request, {"a": int}, {"a": lambda x: x > 70}) >>> with params as p: ... print(p.a) # Prints 77 77 >>> with params.apply_to_request({"a": "10"}): pass # Error! Traceback (most recent call last): ... qval.exceptions.InvalidQueryParamException: ... :param request: new request instance :return: new :class:`QueryParamValidator` instance """ return self.__class__( utils.make_request(request), self._factories, self._params, self._box_all )
@property def query_params(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Returns the dictionary of the query parameters. """ return self._query_params
[docs] def add_predicate(self, param: str, predicate: Callable[[Any], bool]): """ Adds a new check for the provided parameter. :param param: name of the request parameter :param predicate: predicate function :return: None """ self._params.setdefault(param, Validator()) self._params[param].add(predicate)
# Alias for add_predicate; returns a reference to self
[docs] def check( self, param: str, predicate: Callable[[Any], bool] ) -> "QueryParamValidator": """ Adds a new check for the provided parameter. :param param: name of the request parameter :param predicate: predicate function :return: self """ self.add_predicate(param, predicate) return self
[docs] def positive( self, param: str, transform: Callable[[Any], Any] = lambda x: x ) -> "QueryParamValidator": """ Adds a :code:`greater than zero` comparison check for the provided parameter. Provided :code:`param` will be tested as [:code:`transform(param) > 0`]. :param param: name of the request parameter :param transform: callable that transforms the parameter, default: :code:`lambda x: x` :return: self """ return self.check(param, lambda x: transform(x) >= 0)
[docs] def gt( self, param: str, value: Any, transform: Callable[[Any], Any] = lambda x: x ) -> "QueryParamValidator": """ Adds a :code:`greater than` comparison check for provided parameter. For example, if value = 10, :code:`param` will be tested as [:code:`transform(param) > 10`]. :param param: name of the request parameter :param value: value to compare with :param transform: callable that transforms the parameter, default: :code:`lambda x: x` :return: self """ return self.check(param, lambda x: transform(x) > value)
[docs] def lt( self, param: str, value: Any, transform: Callable[[Any], Any] = lambda x: x ) -> "QueryParamValidator": """ Adds a `less than` comparison check for the provided parameter. For example, if value = 10, :code:`param` will be tested as [:code:`transform(param) < 10`]. :param param: name of the request parameter :param value: value to compare with :param transform: callable that transforms the parameter, default: :code:`lambda x: x` :return: self """ return self.check(param, lambda x: transform(x) < value)
[docs] def eq( self, param: str, value: Any, transform: Callable[[Any], Any] = lambda x: x ) -> "QueryParamValidator": """ Adds an `equality` check for the provided parameter. For example, if value = 10, :code:`param` will be tested as [:code:`transform(param) == 10`]. :param param: name of the request parameter :param value: value to compare with :param transform: callable that transforms the parameter, default: :code:`lambda x: x` :return: self """ return self.check(param, lambda x: transform(x) == value)
[docs] def nonzero( self, param: str, transform: Callable[[Any], Any] = lambda x: x ) -> "QueryParamValidator": """ Adds a `nonzero` check for the provided parameter. For example, if value = 10, :code:`param` will be tested as [:code:`transform(param) != 0`]. :param param: name of the request parameter :param transform: callable that transforms the parameter, default: :code:`lambda x: x` :return: self """ return self.check(param, lambda x: transform(x) != 0)
@contextmanager def _cleanup_on_error(self): """ Unwinds the stack in case of an error. """ with ExitStack() as stack: stack.push(self) yield # The validation checks didn't raise an exception stack.pop_all() def _validate(self): """ Validates the parameters. Only KeyError, ValueError and TypeError are handled as expected errors. :return: None """ for param, cast in self._factories.items(): try: cast = cast or (lambda x: x) value = cast(self.query_params[param]) self.result[param] = value except KeyError: raise exceptions.InvalidQueryParamException( {"error": f"Missing required parameter `{param}`."}, status=fwk.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, ) except (ValueError, TypeError): expected = "." # Expose only built-in types if cast in (int, float): expected = f": expected {cast.__name__}." raise exceptions.InvalidQueryParamException( {"error": f"Invalid type of the `{param}` parameter{expected}"}, status=fwk.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, ) for param, value in self.result.items(): validator = self._params[param] try: if not validator(value): raise QvalValidationError( f"Invalid `{param}` value: {self.result[param]}." ) except QvalValidationError as e: raise exceptions.InvalidQueryParamException( {"error": str(e)}, status=fwk.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST ) from e
[docs] def __enter__(self) -> "utils.FrozenBox": """ Runs validation on the provided request. See __exit__() for additional info. :return: box of validated values. """ # This context manager will unwind the stack in case of an error. # The __exit__() method will be called with the values of the exception raised inside _validate(). # This allows us to handle exceptions both inside _validate() and inside the context. with self._cleanup_on_error(): self._validate() return utils.FrozenBox(self.result)
[docs] def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """ If occurred exception is not an :class:`InvalidQueryParamException <qval.exceptions.InvalidQueryParamException>`, the exception will be re-raised as an APIException, which will result in the 500 error on the client side. :param exc_type: exception type :param exc_val: exception instance :param exc_tb: exception traceback :return: None """ if exc_type not in (exceptions.InvalidQueryParamException, None): body = getattr(self.request, "body", {}) text = ( f"An error has occurred during the validation or inside the context: exc `{exc_type}` ({exc_val}).\n" f"| Parameters: {self.query_params}\n" f"| Body : {body}\n" f"| Exception:\n" ) utils.log.error( text, extra={ "stack": True, "traceback": exc_tb, "request_body": body, "parameters": self.query_params, }, exc_info=(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb), ) raise exceptions.APIException( detail="An error has occurred while processing you request. " "Please contact the website administrator." ) from exc_val
[docs]def validate( request: Union[fwk.Request, Dict[str, str]], validators: Dict[str, Validator.ValidatorType] = None, box_all: bool = True, **factories: Optional[Callable[[str], Any]], ) -> QueryParamValidator: """ Shortcut for QueryParamValidator. Examples: >>> r = {"num": "42", "s": "str", "double": "3.14"} >>> with validate(r, num=int, s=None, double=float) as p: ... print(p.num + p.double, p.s) 45.14 str >>> r = {"price": "43.5$", "n_items": "1"} >>> currency2f = lambda x: float(x[:-1]) >>> params = validate(r, price=currency2f, n_items=int ... ).positive("n_items") # n_items must be greater than 0 >>> with params as p: ... print(p.price, p.n_items) 43.5 1 :param request: a request object :param validators: a dictionary of validators :param box_all: include all parameters in the output dictionary, even if they're not specified in `factories` :param factories: a dictionary of callables that create a python object from their parameter :return: QueryParamValidator instance """ request = utils.make_request(request) return QueryParamValidator(request, factories, validators, box_all)
[docs]def qval( factories: Dict[str, Optional[Callable[[str], Any]]], validators: Dict[str, Validator.ValidatorType] = None, box_all: bool = True, request_: fwk.Request = None, ): """ A decorator that validates query parameters. The wrapped function must accept a request as the first argument (or second if it's a method), and `params` as last. :param factories: a mapping (parameter, callable [str -> Any]) :param validators: a mapping (parameter, validator) :param box_all: include all parameters in the output dictionary, even if they're not specified in `factories` :param request_: optional request object that will always be provided to the validator :return: wrapped function """ # Check if the decorator is used improperly if callable(factories): raise TypeError("qval() missing 1 required positional argument: 'factories'") def outer(f): @functools.wraps(f) def inner(*args, **kwargs): args = list(args) # If a default request object is provided, simply use it if request_ is not None: request = utils.make_request(request_) args.insert(0, request) elif isinstance(args[0], fwk.RequestType): request = args[0] = utils.make_request(args[0]) elif len(args) > 1 and isinstance(args[1], fwk.RequestType): request = args[1] = utils.make_request(args[1]) else: raise ValueError("The first argument of the view must be request-like.") with validate(request, validators, box_all, **factories) as params: return f(*args, params, **kwargs) return inner return outer
[docs]def qval_curry(request: fwk.Request): """ Curries :func:`qval() <qval.qval.qval>` decorator and provides the given :code:`request` object to the curried function on each call. This is especially handy in Flask, where `request` is global. Example: .. code-block:: python >>> r = {"num": "42", "s": "str", "double": "3.14"} >>> qval = qval_curry(r) >>> @qval({"num": int, "double": float}, None) ... def view(request, extra_param, params): ... print(params.num, params.double, params.s, extra_param, sep=', ') >>> view("test") 42, 3.14, str, test :param request: request instance :return: wrapped :code:`qval(..., request_=request)` """ @functools.wraps(qval) def outer(*args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("request_", request) return qval(*args, **kwargs) return outer