Source code for qval.validator

from typing import Any, Callable, Union

Predicate = Callable[[Any], bool]

[docs]class QvalValidationError(Exception): """ The error raised if validation fails. This exception should be used to provide a custom validation error message to the client. Example: >>> from qval import validate >>> def f(v: str) -> bool: ... if not v.isnumeric(): ... raise QvalValidationError(f"Expected a number, got \'{v}\'") ... return True >>> params = validate({"number": "42"}, {"number": f}) >>> with params: pass # OK >>> with params.apply_to_request({"number": "a string"}): pass Traceback (most recent call last): ... qval.exceptions.InvalidQueryParamException: ... """
[docs]class Validator(object): """ Validates the given value using the provided predicates. .. automethod:: __call__ """ # :class:`Validator` implements __call__(Any) -> bool, and # therefore can be treated in the same way as :type:`ValidatorType`. # For the sake of clarity, it is reflected in the class attributes below. ValidatorType = Union["Validator", Predicate] Predicate = ValidatorType
[docs] def __init__(self, *predicates: Predicate): """ Instantiates the validator. :param predicates: predefined predicates :type predicates: Callable[[Any], bool] """ self.predicates = list(predicates)
[docs] def add(self, predicate: Predicate) -> "Validator": """ Adds the predicate to the list. :param predicate: predicate function :return: self """ self.predicates.append(predicate) return self
[docs] def __call__(self, value: Any) -> bool: """ Applies all stored predicates to the given value. :param value: value to validate :return: True if all checks have passed, False otherwise """ for p in self.predicates: if not p(value): return False return True